
General Information

Basic Principles

When providing administrative services, employees of the Ministry of Economy and Industry observe the following principles:

  • Equal treatment of all users;
  • Provision of complete information about the acts issued and administrative services and actions carried out in the implementation of the administrative service;
  • Compliance with administrative service quality standards;
  • Coordination and interaction with all parties interested in improving administrative services;
  • Periodic survey and measurement of user satisfaction;
  • Provision of various forms and ways of applying for administrative services;
  • Official collection of information and evidence;
  • Providing different ways of payment of the due fees by bank or electronic means.

Official information

The Ministry of Economy and Industry provides ex officio all documents issued by it, necessary for the implementation of administrative services.

Like all administrative bodies, persons performing public functions and organizations providing public services, the Ministry provides documents from other administrations that are needed by the user of an administrative service.

Complex administrative service

The Ministry of Economy and Industry implements complex administrative services in the provision of administrative services and provides an opportunity for verbal requests for services and for the initiation of proceedings for the provision of complex services.

Information about administrative services

  • The Ministry of Economy and Industry provides information on the administrative services provided, such as:
  • Provides generally available, accurate, systematized and understandable information about its activity;
  • Provides access to the application forms for various services and provides assistance in filling them out;
  • Provides full information on the deadlines for performing administrative services and on the fees due;
  • Announces information about the possibilities of submitting or receiving documents electronically on its website https://www.mi.government.bg.

Access and opening hours

The administrative service centre of the Ministry of Economy and Industry is located in an accessible location, close to public transport stops and parking areas.

The working hours are every weekday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. without interruption. In cases where at the end of the announced working hours there are users of administrative services in the office premises, the work in the centre continues until the end of their service, but not more than two astronomical hours after the announced working hours.

Reception for consultations

  • Reception in the building of the Ministry at 4, Lege Str. for the services, in accordance with the Law on the export control of products related to defence and of dual-use products and technologies;
  • Reception in the Ministry building at 12, Knyaz Alexander I Str.:
    • For services under the Law on the Control of Narcotic Substances and Precursors;
    • For services under the Wine and Spirits Act;
    • For services under the Currency Act.


In order to meet your requirements, we provide feedback.

You can fill out a questionnaire on the spot at the Administrative Service Centre or an electronic questionnaire from the Ministry’s website.

The information collected through the completed questionnaires, as well as through the signals, suggestions, complaints and praises received, is summarized in an Annual Report for the evaluation of user satisfaction.