
Fast Track to Innovation 2020

Updated last 26.03.2021

What is the program about?

Fast Track to Innovation is a program to promote innovation of the highest level incentivizing innovation activities that are directly linked to the market. It can help partners design and test innovation products, services or business processes with potential to revolutionize existing markets or to create new markets altogether. Fast Track to Innovation Program is part of the European Innovation Council launched in October 2017 as part of Horizon 2020 Program. Currently the programme period has expired. Ongoing is the preparation of the future framework program Horizon Europe which is a followup of the Horizon 2020 Program.

What is the main goal of the program?

The main goals of Fast Track to Innovation are:

  • Cutting time to market for ideas;
  • Promotion of participation of candidates applying for the first time for EU funding for research and innovation;
  • Increasing private investment in research and innovation.

What is the budget of the program?

Up to EUR 3 mln per approved project.

Who is eligible to apply under the program?

Proposals for financing must be submitted by consortia consisting of between three and five companies located in at least three different countries that are EU members or countries within the scope of Horizon 2020. It is required that candidate companies have experience in the relevant sector in order to guarantee quick deployment in the market (i.e. within three years from start of project). Terms and conditions for application:

  • Allocation of at least 60% of the budget for the consortium to constituent companies with experience in the relevant industry;
  • At least two companies with experience in a relevant industry in a consortium of three or four partners;
  • At least three companies with experience in a relevant industry in a consortium of five partners.

What are the deadlines for application in calls for proposals under the program?

The call for proposals is open all the time until 27.10.2020, with four separate cut-off dates in a year for submission of project proposals.

How can you apply under the program?

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For more information

Potential candidates can search for partners and fill in applications for financing on the website of:

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For more information

Additional information on Fast Track to Innovation 2020 Program is available on the website below: