Updated last 26.03.2021
What information and within what deadlines is submitted to the National Statistical Institute (NSI)?
All legal entities are obliged to submit to the NSI an annual activity statement, containing statistical reports and accounting documents.
Term | The deadline for filing of the separate financial statements is 30 June of the following year, and for consolidated financial statements – 30 September of the following year. In case the enterprise takes advantage of the given opportunity to submit a corrective tax return once by September 30, it can correct the data submitted in the Annual Activity Statement within the same term. |
Important to know | |
![]() | The non-compliance with the deadline for filing of the information to the NSI or submission of untrue data is sanctions with a fine between BGN 200 and BGN 2 000, and in case of repeated violation – BGN 2000 to BGN 6000. |
What is the format of the information filed with the NSI?
Order ЗЦУ-1819 of 18 December 2020 issued by the NSI sets out the following three ways for the filing of the annual accounts:
- Electronically, using a qualified electronic signature (QES) to the “Business Statistics” information system – this way of filing may be used by each trader;
- Electronically using a personal identification code (PIC) to the “Business Statistics” information system – for submission of reports only to sole proprietors who have revenues up to BGN 200,000 and have no obligation to submit a balance sheet;
- As a hardcopy, while paper forms are filed only with the annual tax returns in the respective National revenue agency (NRA) territorial structures, by mail or in a post office – this method of submission is valid only for sole proprietors with revenues up to BGN 200,000, who at the date of submission of the report have deleted registration as sole proprietors.
The enterprises that have not carried out activity are not obliged to submit an annual activity report to the NSI. If they wish, they can declare this circumstance to the NSI once for the first reporting period in which they have not carried out activity, by submitting a Declaration for enterprises without activity by June 30 of the following year. The submission can be done in the three ways mentioned above, as well as by sending the form to the e-mail address of the relevant department “Statistical Surveys” to the Territorial Statistical Offices.
Important to know | |
![]() | NSI and NRA have an established single point for filing of the annual management reports, i.e. the information is filed with one institution and it exchanges data with the other ex-officio. Filing with the information with the NSI is only electronically. The accounts are accepted at the NRA as a hardcopy too – only upon submission by a sole proprietorship, with revenues up to BGN 200,000, which have been deleted from registration to the submission of the annual tax return and the annual activity report. |
For more information | |
![]() | Detailed instructions on the filling-in and filing of the annual accounts to the NSI is available in section applicable to your type of company on the website of the NSI. Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions related to the filing of the required statistic information to the NSI may be found in the “Frequently asked questions” section on the website of the NSI. |
Important: All specified deadlines and methods of submitting the annual activity report are valid for reporting the activity of enterprises for 2020, according to the issued order together by the Chairman of the NSI and the Executive Director of the NRA. As of 01.01.2022, the Centralized Administrative Information System “Single Entry Point” is expected to start operating, through which the annual financial statements under the Accounting Act and the annual activity report under the Statistics Act will be submitted simultaneously. The order, manner and terms for providing this information will be determined by an Order issued together by the Chairman of the National Statistical Institute and the Executive Directors of the National Revenue Agency and the Registry Agency, which Order shall be published in the State Gazette.