
Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

Updated last 26.03.2021

The program period for the implementation of this programme has expired. The preparation of the new programme for the period 2021 – 2027 is under way.

What is the Rural Development Programme (RDP)?

The Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 supports actions aimed at promoting social inclusion, reducing poverty and the economic development of rural regions.

The Programme offers many calls (measures and sub-measures [1]), which are suitable both for farmers [2] and groups/organisations of producers, natural persons registered under the Skilled Crafts Act, sole proprietors and legal entities.

It should be pointed out that there are specific measures which are aimed at supporting investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities. For example:

  • Tourism development (construction and renovation of tourist sites and development of tourist services);
  • Production or sale of products not included in Annex No 1 to the European Union Treaty [3];
  • Development of services in all sectors (for example: child care, care for elderly people, disabled people, healthcare services, accounting and audit services, veterinary activities and services based on IT, etc.);
  • Production of energy from renewable energy sources for own consumption;

Development of crafts (including provision of services related to the participation of visitors in craft activities) and other non-agriculture activities.

For more information
For more information

You may look at the possibilities to apply for grants on the website of:

There are open calls to each priority axis. They are planned on an annual basis and are published in the Indicative Annual Programme for 2019, which is available on the website of:

What is the budget available to Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)?

The total budget of the RDP amounts to EUR 2.9 billion with included national co-financing.

How can you apply to receive a grant?

  • You have to register in the UMIS system in order to create and file a project proposal on a specific RDP call.
  • The system is interactive and easy to work with. If you have any difficulties in filing the project proposal, you may read the System Manual which is published in order to provide directions and facilitate the work of the users.
  • On the official website of the RDP, for a specific call you can find information how, who and within what deadlines you can address additional questions and request clarifications in relation to the Call’s Terms of Reference

What are the terms and conditions to apply under RDP calls?

There are Terms of Reference to each call where you can find specific information in view of the specific features of the selected call:

  • Objectives, indicators of the call;
  • The total grant under the programme;
  • Minimum (if applicable) and maximum grant to a specific project;
  • Co-financing percentage;
  • Criteria that your business has to meet to be an eligible candidate;
  • Actions eligible to receive financing;
  • Eligible and ineligible expenses under the call;
  • Minimum and maximum project implementation period;
  • Applicable minimum / state aid regime;
  • Procedure, criteria and methodology used to evaluate the project proposals, both in terms of administrative compliance and eligibility, and requirements for technical and financial evaluation;
  • Ways and deadline to receive clarifications on the call.

What is the deadline to apply under calls under the Programme?

You can apply to receive funding from the RDP depending within the deadlines for submission of project proposals set out in each call until the completion of the Operational Programme in 2020.

The evaluation of the project proposals has two stages as follows:

Stage 1 Stage 1

Evaluation of the administrative compliance and eligibility – this evaluation addresses questions such as: are all required documents provided; is the project proposal properly filed; is the qualified electronic signature (QES) used to sign the proposal valid; is the power of attorney for the filing of the proposal valid; is there compliance with the specific eligibility criteria set out in the Terms of Reference, etc. The evaluation at this stage also includes check and evaluation of the feasibility, efficiency and eligibility of all actions and expenses envisaged (are ineligible actions, ineligible and / or unrealistic expenses, duplication of envisaged actions and / or expenses included in the project proposal).

Stage 2 Stage 2

Technical and financial evaluation. The technical and financial evaluation is only performed with respect to project proposals that have passed successfully the evaluation of the administrative compliance and eligibility. At this stage the technical capacity of the participants, the environmental effect of the project, the compliance with the indicators and priorities set for the call, partnerships, etc. are evaluated.

For more information
For more information

For more information regarding the Programme see the websites of:

[1] “Sub-measure” is a set of actions facilitating the implementation of the priorities of the RDP 2014 – 2020

[2] “Registered as farmers in accordance with Ordinance No 3 of 1999 on the development and maintenance of farmers register

[3] https://eur-lex.europa.eu/resource.html?uri=cellar:9e8d52e1-2c70-11e6-b497-01aa75ed71a1.0001.01/DOC_5&format=PDF