The mission of the Ministry of economy and industry is to pursue a clear and transparent economic policy based on European values and respecting the principles of consistency and continuity for the protection of the state and public interest.
Preserving economic and financial stability in the country, while taking active measures to achieve high economic growth. Pursuing a policy aimed at achieving sustainable growth driven by knowledge and innovation;
Changing the structure of the economy by stimulating the creation and development of sustainable enterprises from high-tech industrial production and knowledge-intensive services, and encouraging investment;
Building a competitive, resource-efficient low-carbon industry by introducing new technologies, innovations and stimulating innovative companies;
Ensuring the application of economic and tax incentives for investment in production and capacity to reduce imbalances in regional economic development;
Improving business conditions by reducing administrative burdens and the number of regulations, and reducing the financial burden on business. Implementation of changes in the regulatory framework with particular attention to small and medium-sized enterprises;
Improving the performance of institutions and serving citizens and businesses. Ensuring transparency of public activities and preventing corruption by accelerating the implementation of e-government;
Positioning Bulgaria as the preferred destination for investors in sectors of high added value;
Promotion of exports as an engine of economic growth. Supporting export-oriented enterprises by strengthening trade economic contacts, especially with fast-growing economies. Export financing and guarantee;
Effective management of European funds. Increasing absorbed funds by simplifying procedures, and strengthening transparency and control. Improving access to finance for small and medium-sized businesses.