The Minister of economy Bojidar Loukarsky, the Minister of regional development and public works, Lilyana Pavlova and the Executive Director of Sofia Tech Park, Elitsa Panayotova presented the newly opened Research technological park in Sofia to the government delegation from Turkmenistan led by Shamuhamet Durdiliev, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan. The delegation was visiting Bulgaria at the invitation of Minister Pavlova.
The Minister Loukarsky informed the visitors that the Sofia Tech Park is the first research technological park in Bulgaria and its construction is addressed to the development of knowledge based economy, up-to-date technologies and innovations. According to the Minister of economy, the territory of the park is the place where the science and business will interact and create added value for economy.
The head of Turkmenistan delegation, Shamuhamet Durdiliev greeted Minister Loukarsky with the implementation of project and was interested to obtain more information about it for the purposes of future partnership. During the visit in Sofia Tech Park the visitors from Turkmenistan were able to see the incubator buildings, the forum and laboratories in the complex, as well as the additional adjacent infrastructure, multistore parking and sports site.