The document will increase the access of people with disabilities to goods and services in the internal market
A draft Law on Accessibility Requirements for Products and Services was approved by a Government Decision on 16 August 2024. The document was prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Industry, with the participation of all relevant institutions.
The draft law creates a new legal framework, fully harmonised with European legislation, which will regulate the conditions for the provision of products and services on the market for which there are certain accessibility requirements.
The drafting of an entirely new law is driven by the need to implement the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on accessibility requirements for products and services (Directive (EU) 2019/882).
The aim of the Directive is to contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by removing and preventing obstacles to the free movement of certain products and services caused by differing requirements in Member States. This would increase the availability of accessible products and services for people with disabilities on the internal market and raise awareness.
The approved draft law describes in detail the requirements for accessibility and free movement of the products covered by the document, the obligations of economic operators and service providers, consumer complaints and signals, as well as means of collective redress, among others.
In accordance with the Directive, the Bill sets accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities with respect to general purpose consumer computer hardware systems, self-service terminals, consumer terminal equipment with interactive computer processing capabilities, etc.
Among the services envisaged by the Bill are the provision of access to audio-visual media services, electronic communications services, certain elements of air, bus, rail and water passenger transport services, consumer banking services, e-books and specialised software, and e-commerce services.