
The Deputy Minister Lyuben Petrov and his Iranian colleague discussed the creation of an Iranian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran.

The Deputy Minister Lyuben Petrov and his Iranian colleague discussed the creation of an Iranian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran.

The Deputy Minister Lyuben Petrov and D-r Mohammad Hazai, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, and Chairman of the Organization for Investments, Economic and Technical Assistance discussed the creation of an Iranian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran at a meeting. There are a number of favorable factors and an unused potential for cooperation in the commercial and economic sphere. The geographic proximity, the well developed transport connections, the membership of Bulgaria in the EU creates new parameters for the realization of this cooperation, Deputy Minister declared. He added that Bulgaria considers the development of the commercial and economic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran as possibility for dissemination and imposition of Bulgarian goods on the markets of the countries neighboring to Iran and we are ready to cooperate for the entry of Iranian goods onto the market of the EU. Before his Iranian host the Deputy Minister of Economy emphasized that the Bulgarian Government will make efforts for the normalization of the financial and bank cooperation between Bulgaria and Iran related to the opening of the bank systems, as well as the possibility of the two countries to guarantee the commercial commodity exchange through various payment instruments. Deputy Minister Lyuben Petrov and the Iranian Deputy Minister stated their confidence in the readiness of their countries for joint work for the development of a new transport corridor the Black Sea – the Persian Gulf, from Bulgaria through Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to Iran. D-r Mohammad Hazai shared his satisfaction with the realized multitude of useful contacts between the companies during the conducted Bulgarian-Iranian business forum. He emphasized the good political relations between the two countries and stated the desire of the Iranian Government to recover the level of development of the commercial and economic relations with countries as Bulgaria from the time prior to the introduction of the sanctions to the country. The Iranian Deputy Minister said in conclusion that Bulgaria may consider Iran as a logistic point for the Bulgarian business to neighboring third countries. The two Deputy Ministers stated their satisfaction with the work of the 18th Session of the Mixed Intergovernmental Bulgarian-Iranian Commission for Economic and Scientific Technical Cooperation. The Deputy Minister Lyuben Petrov extended an invitation to his Iranian colleague to visit Bulgaria with a business delegation and proposed the conduct of an economic forum between the two countries.
