

Total results: 773
New “LB BULGARICUM” EAD products launched on the market

New “LB BULGARICUM” EAD products launched on the market

From the beginning of the next year, “LB BULGARICUM” EAD will be offering some of their most recent products on Bulgarian market. After conversations held, as well as analysis of the development opportunities, completely innovative developments of the specialized scientific centre at the company, healthy lifestyle oriented, will be launched for production.

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Bulgarian-Indian factory for packaging of liquid bitumen opened near Mumbay

Bulgarian-Indian factory for packaging of liquid bitumen opened near Mumbay

A factory for packaging of liquid bitumen was opened in India by the Bulgarian-Indian joint venture “Prime Star Petroleum and Infrastructure”. It is situated near the town of Bivandi, 25 km away from Mumbay. The factory will be operating as a Sub-contractor of Indian state oil giant company called “Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.”, after winning a tender for the project implementation related to “design, construction and operation”.

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Ministry of Economy initiates intensified checks on the market during the holidays

Ministry of Economy initiates intensified checks on the market during the holidays

“All goods not meeting the established parameters of certifying in compliance with the European and Bulgarian legislation shall be considered dangerous. This includes even goods that do not have written instructions for usage and safety on them. That is why we are going to do the regular inspections more frequent in order to ensure safety and health for each of us and for our children”.

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Minister Loukarsky assists in payment of duties of Sopot Municipality and ceasing of the sale of public housing

Minister Loukarsky assists in payment of duties of Sopot Municipality and ceasing of the sale of public housing

The work meeting held today with the Minister of Economy Bozhidar Loukarsky at “VMZ” AD, town of Sopot, resulted in finalizing of negotiations about signing an agreement on repayment of the principal obligations of “VMZ” duties to Sopot Municipality amounting to 2,684 million BGN within 6 months.

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Minister Loukarsky: Participation of small and medium enterprises in transatlantic trade is a priority for Bulgaria

Minister Loukarsky: Participation of small and medium enterprises in transatlantic trade is a priority for Bulgaria

“The participation of Bulgarian enterprises in transatlantic trade will create opportunities for sustainable economic growth, and this is a priority for Bulgaria”. This was stated by the Minister of Economy Bozhidar Loukarsky at the conference on “Transatlantic partnership for trade and investments: prospects for small and medium-sized enterprises” held earlier today and organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria as well as by Konfindustria Bulgaria.

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Bojidar Loukarsy: The visa regime for Bulgarians should be considered during negotiations on Transatlantic agreement

Bojidar Loukarsy: The visa regime for Bulgarians should be considered during negotiations on Transatlantic agreement

“With regard to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union and the United States Bulgaria has officially stated its position that visa regime for Bulgarian citizens traveling to the United States should be considered whilst negotiating”. That was said by the Minister of Economy Bojidar Loukarsy at a press conference held today. He recalled that TTIP was among the main issues being discussed at the Council for Foreign Trade held in Brussels last week. The ministers took a decision to further negotiate under the agreement, which will encourage the investment and the trade and economic relations in the community.

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Deputy Minister Vezieva: The revival of the industry requires long-term priorities

Deputy Minister Vezieva: The revival of the industry requires long-term priorities

“The establishment of prerequisites and conditions for the resurgence of Bulgarian industry requires formulating the long-term priorities. That is to try to identify specific priorities, thus guaranteeing a targeted and an effective strategy”. That was stated by Deputy Minister of Economy Daniela Vezieva at roundtable on “Revival of the industry in Bulgaria” organized earlier today by the Independent Trade Unions’ Congress of Bulgaria.

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Minister Loukarsky: “We are working on reducing of administrative burdens on businesses”

Minister Loukarsky: “We are working on reducing of administrative burdens on businesses”

Our efforts are aimed at reducing of the administrative burden and ensuring a favorable and predictable business environment”. That was stated by the Minister of Economy Bojidar Loukarsky at the ceremony opening the modernized plant Verila Lubricants AD , part of Prista Oil.

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Minister Loukarsky: Bulgaria supports the strengthening of trade and economic cooperation between the EU and Japan

Minister Loukarsky: Bulgaria supports the strengthening of trade and economic cooperation between the EU and Japan

“Bulgaria is among the main supporters of liberalization of the trade between the EU and Japan, and this is the position that we will be defending at the upcoming Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels” the Minister of Economy Bojidar Loukarsky stated a meeting with the Japan’s Ambassador to Bulgaria, H.E.Takashi Koizumi held earlier today.

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Bulgaria and Romania discuss initiatives for joint export to markets outside the EU

Bulgaria and Romania discuss initiatives for joint export to markets outside the EU

“The commercial and economic relations and potential of Bulgaria and Romania set a real possibility for a joint expansion on more distant markets. This will lead to an economic growth to the region, said Economy Minister Bojidar Loukarsky at a meeting held earlier today with Romanian Ambassador Anton Pacuretu.

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