
3004 Issuance of certificates for registration of persons engaged in mining, processing and transactions with precious metals and precious stones and products with and from them by occupation and making entries in a register

Department: Administrative Regulation and Control of Economic Activities
Execution Term: up to 14 days
Phone: +359 2 940 7739; +359 2 940 7638
Email: e-docs@mi.government.bg
Contact: Michail Diankov, Antonia Ruskova
Address: 12 Knjaz Alexander I Str., Sofia 1000
Worktime: 9:00-17:30

Issuance of certificates for registration of persons engaged in mining, processing and transactions with precious metals and precious stones and products with and from them by occupation and making entries in a register

For more information, please search in the Bulgarian version of the site.

Forms and documents are completed and submitted in Bulgarian language.

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